Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

We left home on Friday, drove into GA. Stayed the night at a great place. Saturday, we drove in 3 hours of stop and go traffic for 3 hours up and down mountains until the brakes burned out. We are now sitting in a tow shop after being towed off of the interstate by a really large truck. The parts store said they can have the parts we need after 9 on Sunday.
Really nice people here in VA.Hope they take it easy on the pocket book, but we are at their mercy.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Squeekers birthday is today

Today is "Squeekers" birthday.
When he was a teeny tiny human he didn't cry he squeeked and hence the nickname that his Papaw gave him.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial weekend

First trip in Allegra.Notice rain on the windshield.

Monday, May 24, 2010

new week 5-24-10

We had a busy weekend. Still working on the motor home but getting closer to getting it out for a weekend. More with pictures later.

Monday, May 10, 2010

ohio trip

May.....We went to Ohio by car . The motor home made it to our house the day before we left for our trip. So it is now adorning our drive way.
The kids were all great, the little ones especially. We had two tea parties.
We also had lunch with some of the ladies I used to work with.
My former boss Mr. A died while we were there and I had to go to his viewing. He was a terrific fellow and will be missed.
John and I made it home in one week. Not my idea I could have stayed a little longer, but John misses Florida in a very short time.
My psoriasis is clear for the moment except for the lower legs and that seems to be doing well also. We went on a 5 hour Motorcycle ride on Sunday and the sun didn't seem to bother the body too much.
I feel so much better with the itching dying down. Maybe there really is relief after all. I look at all the products that I have bought to have relief.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We have been in the south 5 years or so now and still love it.